
Showing posts from September, 2021

Our choices may be making us more individualistic

While having a variety of choices is widely seen as a positive consequence of economic development, what impact does this explosion of choice have on the psyche of the individual, and further, society as a whole? from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

WATCH: Time-lapse shows eruption of Hawaii's Kilauea volcano

Time-lapse video shows the eruption of Hawaii's Kilauea volcano on the Big Island. The area is in the Halemaumau crater inside Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. from NBC News Top Stories

WATCH: Florida man captures alligator in trash bin

Video shows a Florida man using a trash bin to capture an alligator loose in his Orange County neighborhood. WESH's Dave McDaniel reports. from NBC News Top Stories

Yale University's controversial Vinland Map is a fake, new study confirms

The map was acquired by Yale in the mid-1960s and was said to be the earliest depiction of the New World. from NBC News Top Stories

Brother of missing former Navy SEAL in Yellowstone died of hypothermia, autopsy finds

Kim Crumbo, 74, and his brother, Mark O'Neill, 67, were reported missing by a family member on Sep. 19 after they failed to return from their four-night backcountry trip. from NBC News Top Stories

Could Sen. Sinema face a primary? These progressives are trying to make it happen

The Arizona moderate has frustrated Democrats on a wide range of issues, and a new PAC backed by big money is launching an effort to replace her. from NBC News Top Stories

Toxic DNA buildup in eyes may drive blinding macular degeneration

Damaging DNA builds up in the eyes of patients with geographic atrophy, an untreatable, poorly understood form of age-related macular degeneration that causes blindness, new research reveals. Based on the discovery, the researchers think it may be possible to treat the disease with common HIV drugs or an even safer alternative. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Getting beyond small talk: Study finds people enjoy deep conversations with strangers

People benefit from deep and meaningful conversations that help us forge connections with one another, but we often stick to small talk with strangers because we underestimate how much others are interested in our lives and wrongly believe that deeper conversations will be more awkward and less enjoyable than they actually are, according to new research. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Breastfeeding status and duration significantly impact postpartum depression risk

A study of 29,685 American women finds postpartum depression (PPD) is a significant health issue, with nearly 13 percent of the sample being at risk. Results showed that women who were currently breastfeeding at the time of data collection had statistically significant lower risk of PPD than women who were not breastfeeding. There also was a statistically significant inverse relationship between breastfeeding length and risk of PPD. As the number of weeks that women breastfed increased, their PPD decreased. Surprisingly, there was no significant difference in PPD risk among women with varying breastfeeding intent (yes, no, unsure). from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Dental care: The best, worst and unproven tools to care for your teeth

Only a handful of oral hygiene tools actually prevent gum disease. At the moment, all other tools are only supported by insufficient evidence, say researchers. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

96-year-old who went on the run to skip Nazi war crimes trial arrested

The woman is accused of having contributed as an 18-year-old to the murder of 11,412 people when she was a typist at the Stutthof concentration camp. from NBC News Top Stories

Extra spacing can boost children’s reading speed

A new study has found that a child's reading speed can be improved by simply increasing the space between letters within a piece of text. The study discovered that text with increased space between each letter provided a benefit to both dyslexic and non-dyslexic children. On average, the dyslexia group showed a 13% increase in reading speed, while the comparison group of non-dyslexic children showed a 5% increase in reading speed. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Covid Is killing rural Americans at twice the rate of people in urban areas

The pandemic is devastating rural America, where lower vaccination rates are compounding the already limited medical care. from NBC News Top Stories

Woman who survived Spanish flu, world war dies at 105 after contracting Covid

“I think my mother would have been around quite a bit longer if she hadn’t contracted Covid,” Primetta Giacopini's 61-year-old daughter said. “She was a fighter. She had a hard life." from NBC News Top Stories

Passenger jumps onto wing of plane in Miami

The Federal Aviation Administration has reported "a disturbing increase" in unruly behavior on planes this year. from NBC News Top Stories

French ex-president convicted in campaign financing case

The court said Sarkozy would be allowed to serve the one-year sentence at home by wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet. from NBC News Top Stories

Sibling bullying associated with poor mental health outcomes years later

Young people who are repeatedly bullied by siblings are more likely to suffer from poor mental health and wellbeing issues later in adolescence, a new study has suggested. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Scientists show that a novel therapy could be effective against pediatric leukemia

Researchers have developed a therapy that shows promise against a deadly pediatric leukemia. The small-molecule therapy was highly effective in fighting a type of acute myeloid leukemia in both in vitro and in vivo experiments, according to new research. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

New study suggests that aquaporin could be key to repairing corneal defects

Corneal defects often heal themselves, but serious injuries that are left untreated can result in inflammation, infection, ulceration and even blindness. A new study provides exciting evidence supporting the involvement of aquaporins in corneal cell proliferation and nerve regeneration and suggests aquaporin 5 (AQP5) induction as a potential therapy to accelerate the resurfacing of corneal defects, report scientists. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Wild video shows Florida man trapping alligator in a garbage bin

Clad in shorts, a T-shirt, socks and slippers, Eugene Bozzi could be seen in the viral clip inching closer toward the alligator as it trailed backward. from NBC News Top Stories

Police officer sentenced to life in prison for murder of young woman that sparked U.K. outcry

Revelations from the London police officer's two-day sentencing hearing have driven renewed uproar around women's safety and the role of law enforcement. from NBC News Top Stories

Ecuador declares prison emergency after scores killed in gang battle, some beheaded

At least five of the dead were found to have been beheaded, officials said. from NBC News Top Stories

Cheers erupt outside L.A. courthouse after Britney Spears conservatorship verdict

“It’s a miracle,” one activist said. “It’s what she deserves. Her light will shine more brightly now.” from NBC News Top Stories

Hippocampus is the brain’s storyteller

A new brain imaging study shows that the hippocampus is the brain's storyteller, connecting separate, distant events into a single narrative. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Scientists find vital link to identify people at risk of aneurysms

A new study has measured a link between variations in size of the brain's arteries and the likelihood of a cerebral aneurysm, providing scientists with a new screening tool to monitor people at risk. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

YouTube cracks down on anti-vaccine videos, bans major accounts

YouTube says it has shut two German channels of Russian state broadcaster RT in a move centering on alleged coronavirus misinformation. from NBC News Top Stories

Texas teen detained in fatal stabbing of twin sister, sheriff says

The deadly attack unfolded in the Houston suburb of Katy, where the victim was pronounced dead at the scene. from NBC News Top Stories

Florida high school football player dies after collapsing during practice

The football player was a student at Citrus High School in Inverness, about 75 miles north of Tampa, Florida, the principal said. from NBC News Top Stories

Judge temporarily blocks Arizona's criminalization of abortions for genetic abnormalities

The blocked provision would allow felony charges against doctors for terminating a pregnancy solely on the basis of a hereditary abnormality in the fetus. from NBC News Top Stories

When to break from the herd to make a better decision

People learn valuable information from how long others hesitate before making their decisions, a new study suggests. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

An algorithm to predict psychotic illnesses

Researchers have used the method of longitudinal network analysis applied to children, in order to detect the symptoms that herald the development of psychotic illness in the future. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Science backs nature as key to children’s health

The presence of greenspaces near homes and schools is strongly associated with improved physical activity and mental health outcomes in kids, according to a massive review of data from nearly 300 studies. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

EMS ketamine use on agitated patients on cocaine increases intubation 5.75-fold, study finds

Patients with excited delirium often are administered ketamine by EMS before arriving at the hospital. Many of them are intoxicated or are using illicit substances, which may alter the properties of ketamine. A study explored if patients who received prehospital ketamine with concomitant substance intoxication have higher rates of subsequent intubation in the ER compared to those without confirmed substance usage. Among the results, cocaine intoxication had a statistically significant 5.75-fold increased rate of intubation. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Life expectancy gap between black and white Americans closes nearly 50 percent in 30 years

Persistent gaps in life expectancy between Black and white Americans have been highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, this gap has narrowed by nearly 50 percent in three decades, largely due to improvements among Black Americans, according to a new study. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Study suggests R rate for tracking pandemic should be dropped in favour of 'nowcasts'

When the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in 2020, the R rate became well-known shorthand for the reproduction of the disease. Yet a new study suggests it's time for 'A Farewell to R' in favour of a different approach based on the growth rate of infection rather than contagiousness. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Sage Steele says she didn't want to get Covid vaccine, calls ESPN's mandate 'sick'

"I just — I didn’t want to do it," Steele said. "But I work for a company that mandates it and I have until September 30th to get it done, or I’m out." from NBC News Top Stories

Study links air pollution to nearly 6 million preterm births around the world

Air pollution likely contributed to almost 6 million premature births and almost 3 million underweight babies in 2019, according to a global burden of disease study and meta-analysis that quantifies the effects of indoor and outdoor pollution around the world. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Children do not understand concept of others having false beliefs until age 6 or 7

Understanding how others think, including the ability of other people to hold false beliefs, is important for social interaction. Called theory of mind, this ability has been thought to occur in children around age 4 years. New research suggests otherwise and shows that children do not understand others' false beliefs until age 6 or 7 years. Young children can pass theory-of-mind experiments using rudimentary concepts of seeing and knowing, without an understanding of mental representation. This work has implications for development and education. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

The vicious circle of high academic achievement

For some teenagers, the new school year means reuniting with their friends. For others, it means an increase in anxiety and in the pressure to succeed and get good grades. According to researchers, this can lead to perfectionism and, in turn, to anxiety and depression. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

How high-fat diets allow cancer cells to go unnoticed

The immune system relies on cell surface tags to recognize cancer cells. Researchers discovered mice who ate high-fat diets produced less of these tags on their intestinal cells, suppressing the ability of immune cells to identify and eliminate intestinal tumors. The high-fat diet also reduced the presence of certain bacteria in the mice's gut, which normally helps maintain the production of these tags. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Tracking muscle activity with clothes on your back

Researchers have developed a bioelectrical sensor that is convenient and low-cost. The sensor measures electromyography signals that are generated in muscles when they contract and are useful for studying muscle fatigue and recovery, and they have the potential to inform diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular diseases. The biosensor, made of silver paste with a layer of gold nanoparticles on top, is directly integrated onto a piece of clothing. The result was a detector that was both conductive and nonirritating to the skin. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Whole-heart computational modeling provides insights for individualized treatment

To pursue a better mechanistic understanding of ventricular arrhythmias, researchers are turning to whole-heart computational models, which are currently witnessing an evolution of a variety of computational approaches, especially within the realm of personalized technologies. They describe the progress using various computational approaches to address the mechanisms of cardiac dysfunction and issues related to the clinical application of computation-driven diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for cardiac disease and arrhythmias. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Dynamic twists and loops can enable DNA to modulate its function

Supercoiling and looping can transmit mechanical stress along the DNA backbone that can promote the separation of the strands of the double helix at specific distant sites, exposing the DNA bases, which may facilitate repair, replication, transcription or other aspects of DNA function. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Bond is back: 007 film ‘No Time To Die’ premieres in London

With a guest list made up of Oscar winners and British royalty, James Bond film “No Time To Die” finally held its delayed world premiere in London. from NBC News Top Stories

Tracking the fight over Biden's agenda

The moving parts to watch as Democrats try to avoid a government shutdown and a default while taxing corporations and high earners to pay for the president's sweeping domestic agenda. from NBC News Top Stories

Social distancing measures in the spring of 2020 effectively curbed the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany, study finds

Early contact restrictions and school closures prevented over 80 per cent of COVID-19 infections and over 60 per cent of deaths in Germany within three weeks, a new study finds. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Largest trial of antibiotic amoxicillin for treating chest infections in children finds little effect

The largest randomized placebo-controlled trial of the antibiotic amoxicillin for treating chest infections in children - one of the most common acute illnesses treated in primary care in developed countries, has found it is little more effective at relieving symptoms than the use of no medication from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Man who killed 5 at Maryland newspaper sentenced to life behind bars

Jarrod Ramos, 41, opened fire at the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis in 2018. from NBC News Top Stories

Gen. Milley says he wasn't trying to undermine Trump in China call

He testified that he was not trying to "usurp authority" when he told his Chinese counterpart he would warn them before the U.S. attacked them. from NBC News Top Stories

Delta variant fears, hospitals filling up drove recent uptick in vaccination rate, poll finds

Knowing someone who became seriously ill or who died of Covid was another major reason cited, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation survey. from NBC News Top Stories

Huawei exec's triumphant return to China signals 'hostage diplomacy' may be here to stay

From a Western perspective, "China has now joined the ranks of Iran and other hostage takers," according to one expert. from NBC News Top Stories

Accused Atlanta-area spa shooter pleads not guilty to killing 4 in Fulton County

Robert Aaron Long already pleaded guilty to killing four others on the same day in Cherokee County. Six of the eight people killed were women of Asian descent. from NBC News Top Stories

There’s no place like home…to track blood pressure

Adults with elevated blood pressure who had not been diagnosed with high blood pressure found that monitoring their blood pressure at home was more acceptable than going to a kiosk, clinic or using a 24-hour wearable monitoring device. Adults were more likely to record the minimum number of measurements with at-home or clinic-based blood pressure monitoring versus going to a kiosk. Adults found the 24-hour wearable blood pressure measuring device least acceptable among the options. Health care professionals should consider talking with people who have high blood pressure about the option of home monitoring and providing the tools and education necessary to do it correctly. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Nasal microbiota holds clues to who will develop symptoms from novel coronavirus

The microbiota in the nose and upper throat likely contains biomarkers for assessing how sick an individual infected with SARS-CoV-2 may get and for developing new treatment strategies to improve their outcome, researchers say. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Suspect in Tennessee Kroger shooting was asked to leave his job that day, police say

Uk Thang, 29, was a third-party vendor working inside the Kroger in Collierville, a suburb about 30 miles east of downtown Memphis, police said. from NBC News Top Stories

Children who eat more fruit and veggies have better mental health

New research finds that children who eat more fruit and veg have better mental health. The study is the first to investigate the association between fruit and vegetable intakes, breakfast and lunch choices, and mental wellbeing in UK school children. The research team studied data from almost 9,000 children in 50 schools. They found that the types of breakfast and lunch eaten by both primary and secondary school pupils were significantly associated with wellbeing. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Power of stem cells harnessed to create cartilage tissue

Researchers have invented a new way to generate human cartilage tissue from stem cells. The technique could pave the way for the development of a much-needed new treatment for people with cartilage damage. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Anti-seizure medication improves cognitive function in some Alzheimer’s patients

An inexpensive anti-seizure medication markedly improves learning and memory and other cognitive functions in Alzheimer's patients who have epileptic activity in their brains, according to a new study. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

How SNPs can be used to detect disease pathways

Researchers have developed a new computational tool that can identify pathways related to diseases, including breast and prostate cancer, using single-nucleotide polymorphisms. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Pelosi says Biden's infrastructure bill can't wait for social safety net bill

The speaker told Democrats that the House will vote Thursday on the infrastructure bill. Progressive lawmakers have threatened to vote it down. from NBC News Top Stories

19 of 39 trapped miners rescued in Canada, company says

Vale said the incident happened when a scoop bucket being sent underground Sunday afternoon detached, blocking the mine shaft. from NBC News Top Stories

Experimental drug development approach points to better targeted therapies for treatment-resistant leukemia

New research shows why some drugs in clinical trials for treating a form of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) often fail and demonstrates a way to restore their effectiveness. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

New approach to breast cancer prevention

Researchers suggest that advances in breast cancer prevention research have resulted in new and innovative opportunities to modify breast cancer risk and potentially reduce breast cancer incidence and mortality. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Passage of recreational cannabis laws leads to some rise in use but not for all demographics

The U.S. is seeing an increased use of cannabis resulting from its legalization for recreational purposes. The findings showed that passage of the laws led to a rise in the odds of past-year and past-month cannabis use among individuals of Hispanic, Other and non-Hispanic whites compared to the period prior to enacting laws for recreational use. However, legalization did not lead to use more frequently, or cannabis use disorder among these groups. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Pfizer submits data to FDA, seeking to use its Covid vaccine for children ages 5 to 11

These younger kids could be vaccinated by Halloween, Pfizer CEO says. from NBC News Top Stories

Where women took shelter from abuse, Taliban now in control

Over the past two decades activists set up women’s around Afghanistan. But even before the militant takeover, conservatives viewed them with suspicion. from NBC News Top Stories

Army on standby in U.K. as panic buying leaves gas pumps dry

The government said some military tanker drivers were ready to be deployed to deliver fuel if necessary. from NBC News Top Stories

Netflix reveals its most watched TV shows, movies of all-time

Ted Sarandos, Netflix’s co-CEO, released Netflix’s latest list of its most-popular TV shows and movies while speaking at the Code Conference in Beverly Hills, California. from NBC News Top Stories

'The View' hosts say they had false positive Covid tests during Kamala Harris interview

Sunny Hostin and Ana Navarro were pulled off the air in a startling moment of live television that forced an abbreviated interview with the vice president. from NBC News Top Stories

Watching SARS-CoV-2 spread in animal models in real time

New 'reporter viruses' developed by researchers make it much easier to observe SARS-CoV-2 and its variants in cells and live animals in the lab, enabling faster screening of potential anti-viral drugs, vaccines and neutralizing antibodies. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

COVID-19 pandemic has caused the biggest decrease in life expectancy since World War II, study finds

A dataset on mortality from 29 countries, spanning most of Europe, the United States and Chile, found that 27 countries saw reductions in life expectancy in 2020, and at a scale which wiped out years of progress on mortality. The large declines in life expectancy in the U.S. can partly be explained by the notable increase in mortality at working ages observed in 2020. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Biden to receive Covid booster shot on-camera Monday

The president's age qualifies him for the newly recommended third shot of the Pfizer vaccine. from NBC News Top Stories

Government shutdown deadline looms as Senate prepares to vote on funding bill

Republicans have said they intend to block the bill because they don't support raising the nation's debt limit. from NBC News Top Stories

Man who attempted to assassinate Reagan to be freed from oversight

Hinckley was 25 when he shot and wounded the 40th U.S. president outside a Washington hotel in 1981. from NBC News Top Stories

Florida sheriff's deputies searching for missing college student Miya Marcano

Marcano, 19, was last seen Friday at her home in Orlando's Arden Villas apartment complex, about a mile from the University of Central Florida. from NBC News Top Stories

Travel restrictions are changing. See which countries are open to Americans.

NBC News is tracking world travel restrictions for U.S. citizens. from NBC News Top Stories

Hungry or full: It comes down to the atomic details

A protein - measuring just a few nanometers in size - acts as a molecular switch with a crucial role in determining whether we feel hungry or full. By determining of the protein's 3D structure, researchers were able to visualize the molecular structures of the hormones with which this protein -- melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) -- interacts. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Taking the guesswork out of genetic engineering

If necessity is the mother of invention, frustration is the father. When scientists kept running into aggravating problems with the existing tools and methods they were using to perform genetic engineering experiments, they decided to make better ones. They teamed up and created an integrated pipeline called STAMPScreen that combines novel algorithms, a new gene cloning technique, and powerful next-generation sequencing technology to help scientists get from a database to results quickly, easily, and frustration-free. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Finger tracing enhances learning: Evidence for 100-year-old practice used by Montessori

A practice used by education pioneer Montessori in the early 1900s has received further validation, with studies showing that finger tracing makes learning easier and more motivating. Imagining an object after tracing it can generate even faster learning, for children and adults alike. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Biden admin moving to protect 'Dreamers' after Texas court ruling

The new rule will modify DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, in an effort to “preserve and fortify” it against future legal challenges. from NBC News Top Stories

FBI agents take Brian Laundrie's personal items for DNA matching, attorney says

The parents of Gabby Petito's fiancé "provided the FBI with what they could," his family attorney Steve Bertolino said. from NBC News Top Stories

3 killed in West Virginia plane crash

State police identified the victims as Nick Fletcher, 38; Michael Taphouse, 36; and Wesley Farley, 39. All were from the Chesapeake, Virginia, area. from NBC News Top Stories

Google, in fight against record E.U. fine, slams regulators for ignoring Apple

Alphabet unit Google on Monday blasted E.U. antitrust regulators for ignoring rival Apple as it launched a bid to get Europe’s second-highest court to annul a from NBC News Top Stories

Spouses really are together in sickness and in health suggests new study

Examining spouses from Japan and the Netherlands, a new study suggests that couples have a high degree of commonality in body shape, blood pressure, and even incidences of some diseases. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Liberal group points to meat companies as reason for higher grocery store prices

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has said it expects beef prices to climb 1 percent to 2 percent this year, poultry as much as 1.5 percent and pork between 2 percent and 3 percent. from NBC News Top Stories

Healthy changes in diet, activity improved treatment-resistant high blood pressure

A healthy eating plan, weight loss and improved aerobic fitness can significantly reduce blood pressure and improve heart health in people with resistant hypertension -- a condition in which blood pressure remains high despite the use of three or more antihypertensive medications. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Instagram to 'pause' development of new app for children

Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, told the "TODAY" show's Craig Melvin that he still believes in the core idea of the new app. from NBC News Top Stories

Rep. Liz Cheney says she was 'wrong' to oppose same-sex marriage

Cheney said in a 2013 TV interview that she opposed same-sex marriage despite the fact that her sister Mary was gay and married with children. from NBC News Top Stories

'Dancing with the Stars' pro Cheryl Burke reveals breakthrough Covid diagnosis ahead of show

In an emotional Instagram video, Burke said she felt like she was letting her dance partner, Peloton instructor Cody Rigsby, down. from NBC News Top Stories

Strong quake rattles island of Crete, some reports of damage

There were no reports of any injuries though two people were trapped in damaged buildings, the authorities said. from NBC News Top Stories

BP says nearly a third of its U.K. gas stations running on empty

"They're desperate to have more European drivers undercutting British salaries," a minister said, blaming the crisis on a truckers' group manufacturing panic. from NBC News Top Stories

Congress braces for high-stakes week over shutdown, default and infrastructure

The House plans a vote Thursday on the infrastructure bill, while the Senate seeks to fund the government and lift the debt ceiling. from NBC News Top Stories

Rodgers shines, last-second FG lifts Packers over 49ers on Sunday Night Football

Aaron Rodgers was in top form against San Francisco, but it was a last-second Mason Crosby field goal that cemented the Packers' Week 3 win over the 49ers. from NBC News Top Stories

Biden in a bind on border: 'The coalition that elected him will collapse'

After promising to "undo the moral and national shame of the previous administration," Biden is finding it easier said than done. from NBC News Top Stories

Diversity visa lottery was some Afghans' ticket to America. Now, they're 'hopeless.'

"I had so many plans, but right now, I’m hopeless," student Mohammad Saeedi said. from NBC News Top Stories

FBI investigating Missouri police who let dog bite Black man

Woodson Terrace Police Chief Randy Halstead said in an email to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that his department was “fully cooperating” with the investigations. from NBC News Top Stories

'Moulin Rouge!' 'The Inheritance,' 'A Soldier's Play' big winners in emotional Tony Awards

The four-hour event served as a commemoration of Broadway and a salute to the return of live theater after 18 months of Covid-19 shutdowns. from NBC News Top Stories

Switzerland votes 'yes' to same-sex marriage, among the last in Western Europe

The country, among the last in Western Europe to grant full marriage rights, will also allow same-sex couples to adopt children and use sperm banks. from NBC News Top Stories

House to debate, vote on infrastructure package this week

Lawmakers will vote the same day funding for the country's highways and bridges expires. from NBC News Top Stories

Investigators probe deadly Amtrak derailment in Montana

The train was carrying about 141 passengers and 16 crew members and had two locomotives and 10 cars, eight of which derailed, an Amtrak spokesman said. from NBC News Top Stories

Stepfather arrested in toddler's disappearance, police fear the 'unimaginable'

Nevaeh Allen was reported missing Friday after her older siblings arrived home from school and noticed the door to their apartment open. from NBC News Top Stories

Rwandan genocide 'kingpin' Bagosora dies in Mali prison, sources say

Bagosora was serving a 35-year sentence after being found guilty of crimes against humanity. from NBC News Top Stories

German vote nearly even for Merkel's bloc, Social Democrats

No party is expected to come anywhere near an outright majority, possibly triggering weeks or months of haggling to form a new government. from NBC News Top Stories

Smartphone sensor data has potential to detect cannabis intoxication

A smartphone sensor, much like what is used in GPS systems, might be a way to determine whether or not someone is intoxicated after consuming marijuana, according to a new study. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Gabby Petito funeral held for the public as Brian Laundrie manhunt continues

The public was invited to mourn Petito as authorities continue to search for her fiancé, named as a person of interest in her death. from NBC News Top Stories

First Tonys after Broadway's reopening — and reckoning — brings hope to Latino actors

In the middle of the coronavirus pandemic last year, Broadway actor Bianca Marroquín would find herself awake in the middle of the night, trying to make sense from NBC News Top Stories

Washington state bus driver stabbed to death in front of elementary school students

"Our focus right now is on supporting our students and staff who are deeply impacted by this tragedy," said Pasco School District Superintendent Michelle Whitney. from NBC News Top Stories

This Marjorie Taylor Greene meltdown reveals an uncomfortable truth about Christianity

A recent congressional screaming match showed how Christianity remains a moral bedrock of political dispute in this country — and why that’s a bad thing. from NBC News Top Stories

Biden needs a win — or two

Analysis: If the president can't figure out how to pass his $4 trillion domestic agenda soon, Democrats will have to campaign on what they didn't do. from NBC News Top Stories

Taliban hang bodies of alleged kidnappers in heart of Afghan city

The bodies were "hanged inside the city in order to be a life lesson for other kidnappers,” the deputy governor of Herat said. from NBC News Top Stories

China's Xi warns of 'grim' Taiwan situation in letter to opposition leader

"At present, the situation in the Taiwan Strait is complex and grim," the Chinese president wrote. from NBC News Top Stories

Democrats take aim at GOP blocks on Biden diplomatic nominees

“This chamber under this leadership is not going to tolerate a few members who want to muck up the confirmation process to make a scene,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. from NBC News Top Stories

Bitcoin, 'Shang-Chi' and 'effeminate men': Why all are subject to China's wrath

They're part of a desperate effort by President Xi Jinping to control every aspect of Chinese economy, culture and education. from NBC News Top Stories

11 people charged in hazing death of Virginia college student Adam Oakes

Adam Oakes, a student at Virginia Commonwealth University, was found dead earlier this year at an off-campus house following a fraternity party. from NBC News Top Stories

Congress has given up on police reform. Both sides agree about what went wrong.

Lawmakers had been on the cusp of the deal but couldn't get it across the finish line after political pressures took over. from NBC News Top Stories

From Hollywood to Capitol Hill, here are 12 trailblazing queer Latinos

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, NBC Out is celebrating trailblazers and game changers at the intersection of the LGBTQ and Latino communities. from NBC News Top Stories

JetBlue passenger attacked flight attendant and tried to rush flight deck, FBI says

Khalil El Dhar was arrested in San Juan following a physical altercation on a flight Wednesday from Boston. from NBC News Top Stories

Remains of Louisiana man missing after Hurricane Ida found inside 504-pound alligator

Timothy Satterlee Sr., 71, had been missing for nearly a month following an alligator attack outside his home in Slidell, Louisiana. from NBC News Top Stories

Police departments across U.S. are mandating LGBTQ training

Following a string of violence against Black trans women, LGBTQ activists in New York took to the streets in summer 2020 to draw attention to the deadly issue. from NBC News Top Stories

NBA denies Wiggins' religious exemption for Covid-19 vaccine

"Wiggins will not be able to play in Warriors home games until he fulfills the city’s vaccination requirements," the NBA said. from NBC News Top Stories

No strangers to risk, firefighters protest vaccine mandates

Officials pushed to have firefighters, who are often emergency medical providers, be among the first to receive the vaccines. from NBC News Top Stories

From Christmas trees to kids' lunches, product shortages continue to hamper shoppers

Costco has even reinstated purchase limits on toilet paper, paper towels and bottled water. from NBC News Top Stories

A daily pill to treat Covid could be just months away, scientists say

At least three promising antivirals that could prevent symptoms and limit transmission of Covid-19 are in clinical trials. from NBC News Top Stories

Chart: The global Covid-19 vaccination gap

Only 1 percent of 662.5M people living in 26 low-income countries are fully vaccinated, while close to 60 percent in high-income countries have received the shots. from NBC News Top Stories

Merkel's legacy looms large over Germany. Who will step up in her place?

“Whoever comes in isn’t going to have that stature, isn’t going to have that kind of history and practice,” one analyst said. from NBC News Top Stories

Monarch butterflies are being wiped out. These combat veterans are trying to save them.

Guardian Grange aims to help veterans cope with trauma and transitioning back to civilian life. The group's first projects is to help build a butterfly preserve from NBC News Top Stories

Dismembered bodies of 3 found in burning Texas dumpster

Firefighters discovered the remains Wednesday, police said. from NBC News Top Stories

Fossil fuel firms find friends in Bitcoin mining

“When people don’t see pollution, they don’t think it’s there,” one expert said. from NBC News Top Stories

Covid booster shots are rolling out. What does that mean for you?

Health care workers, teachers and other essential personnel should qualify for a Covid-19 vaccine booster shot, the CDC director said. from NBC News Top Stories

Why the GOP is threatening to block the debt limit extension

Republicans say the debt limit must be extended. They support the contents of the bill to which that extension is attached. And they're promising to block that vote. Here's why. from NBC News Top Stories

How people are getting around the new Texas abortion law

Providers have seen a surge in interest in online purchases of abortion pills since the state's near-total ban on abortions went into effect. from NBC News Top Stories

Taiwanese in U.S. insist their identity is not a ‘political choice’— but must be a census option

A new report from the Pew Research Center estimates that between 195,000 and 697,000 people of Taiwanese descent live in the United States, rectifying a from NBC News Top Stories

Canadian Catholic bishops apologize for indigenous residential schools

The organization expressed "profound remorse" for the abuses children endured at indigenous residential schools. from NBC News Top Stories

The cynical political calculation that may be motivating Florida's Covid recklessness

Do Republicans think they can reap political benefits from the continued spread of the virus? from NBC News Top Stories

'Third-party vendor' shot 15, 1 fatally, at Tennessee Kroger before taking his own life, police say

Investigators believe they know the suspected gunman's motive, but Collierville police Chief Dale Lane declined to immediately reveal what might have sparked Thursday's bloodshed. from NBC News Top Stories

TikTok has new mental health resources for its users. Some experts say it's a good start.

“If we’re going to have social media platforms ... we are responsible for keeping them as safe as we possibly can," one expert said. from NBC News Top Stories

Port of Houston target of suspected nation-state hack

A major U.S. port was the target last month of suspected nation-state hackers, according to officials. from NBC News Top Stories

New cause of inherited heart condition discovered

The discovery provides a new causal explanation for 1-2% of adults with the condition. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Biden pick Florence Pan confirmed as first Asian American woman on D.C. federal court

The U.S. Senate on Thursday confirmed Florence Pan as the first Asian American woman to serve as a federal district court judge in Washington, D.C. from NBC News Top Stories

Radiation therapy reprograms heart muscle cells to younger state

New research suggests that radiation therapy can reprogram heart muscle cells to what appears to be a younger state, fixing electrical problems that cause a life-threatening arrhythmia without the need for a long-used, invasive procedure. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

All-out search for Gabby Petito reveals glaring disparity for Wyoming's Indigenous people

A report says 710 Indigenous people were reported missing in the state over the past decade. from NBC News Top Stories

Biden urges Americans to get boosters, says he will soon do the same

CDC director Rochelle Walensky said early Friday that the agency was advising a third shot of Pfizer's vaccine for the elderly and certain at-risk groups. from NBC News Top Stories

Chris Cuomo's former boss at ABC News accuses the CNN anchor of sexual harassment

"I can do this now that you're no longer my boss," Cuomo allegedly told veteran TV producer Shelley Ross, according to an essay she wrote for The New York Times. from NBC News Top Stories

First Brexit Britain was short on milkshakes and chicken. Now it's struggling to get gas.

"We'll move heaven and earth to do whatever we can to make sure that shortages are alleviated," one government minister said. from NBC News Top Stories

Sen. Chuck Grassley, 88, to seek re-election in Iowa

Grassley, who was first elected in 1980, will be running for his eighth term. from NBC News Top Stories

'Vigilante treatments': Anti-vaccine groups push people to leave ICUs

Anti-vaccine Facebook groups have a new message for their community members: don’t go to the emergency room, and get your loved ones out of intensive care. from NBC News Top Stories

'Frustrated and angry': After Covid break, young climate activists pick up the fight

“We are frustrated and angry. We need structural change, a social plan and actions that are based on scientific evidence,” one demonstrator said. from NBC News Top Stories

Lab grown tumor models could improve treatment for pancreatic cancer

An international team of scientists have created a three-dimensional (3D) pancreatic cancer tumour model in the laboratory, combining a bioengineered matrix and patient-derived cells that could be used to develop and test targeted treatments. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Wide heads help sperm swim together

Researchers used machine learning to discover that sperm with a wide head relative to length are more likely to clump together and swim collectively, a rare behavior that sometimes helps them reach an egg faster. The study provides a new method for understanding how form and function are related in cells with complex behaviors in all animals, including humans. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Bitcoin takes a hit as China declares all cryptocurrency transactions illegal

The decision was made "in order to safeguard people's properties and maintain economic, financial and social order," the People's Bank of China has said. from NBC News Top Stories

'Harry Potter' actor Tom Felton collapses at Ryder Cup

Felton was on the 18th hole when he went down. He was helped to his feet, placed on a stretcher and driven away in a golf cart. from NBC News Top Stories

European ire over submarine deal surfaces reality of U.S. pivot to Asia

For many experts, it is perhaps the starkest example yet of how Washington's focus has shifted away from its old European allies. from NBC News Top Stories

House to vote on abortion rights amid challenges to Roe v. Wade

The measure is expected to pass in the House but faces a dead end in the Senate. from NBC News Top Stories

Biden admin sends 'negative sign' by keeping sanctions on Tehran, says new Iranian foreign minister

Iran’s foreign minister says his government will return to nuclear talks “very soon” after it finishes a review of previous negotiations. from NBC News Top Stories

China sends warplanes near Taiwan as both move to join Pacific trade deal

Taiwan said 24 Chinese military aircraft had menaced the self-ruling island after it followed Beijing in applying for membership in the trade agreement. from NBC News Top Stories

Hurricane Ida power grid failure forces a reckoning over Entergy's monopoly in the South

Entergy says it's committed to storm-hardening and clean power. Critics say it works against those goals. from NBC News Top Stories

Historic Black cemetery buried below parking lot at center of legal dispute

The conflict in Montgomery County is over what can't be seen: potentially hundreds of bodies of freed slaves and their descendants buried in an unmarked cemetery. from NBC News Top Stories

Deadly virus’s pathway to infect cells identified

Researchers have discovered how Rift Valley fever virus enters cells, pointing the way to new therapies to treat deadly Rift Valley fever. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Antibody-producing B cells may be 'predestined' for their fates

The master regulator behind the development of antibody-producing cells has been identified in a new study. The findings provide new insight into the inner workings of the immune system and may help understand how tissues develop and how certain cancers arise. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Adjusting fatty acid intake may help with mood variability in bipolar disorders

Can specific dietary guidelines help people living with bipolar disorders better manage their health? Clinical trial results showed that a diet designed to alter levels of specific fatty acids consumed by participants may help patients have less variability in their mood. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

A new method for removing lead from drinking water

Engineers designed a relatively low-cost, energy-efficient approach to treating water contaminated with heavy metals such as lead. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Therapy using dual immune system cells effectively controls neuroblastoma

A newly developed immunotherapy that simultaneously uses modified immune-fighting cells to home in on and attack two antigens, or foreign substances, on cancer cells was highly effective in mice implanted with human neuroblastoma tissue. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Metastatic prostate cancer comes in two forms, which could guide treatment

Scientists have identified two subtypes of metastatic prostate cancer that respond differently to treatment, information that could one day guide physicians in treating patients with the therapies best suited to their disease. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Biden steps into Democrats' brawl to rescue his agenda

Analysis: While there was no evidence of progress toward a deal Wednesday, the president was tacitly acknowledging the $3.5 trillion budget bill would have to be cut back. from NBC News Top Stories

A property giant in China is on the brink of collapse — and the gov't might let it

The developer’s predicament could deal a serious blow to the world’s second-biggest economy as Beijing faces what may be one of its largest defaults. from NBC News Top Stories

Nicki Minaj's husband's accuser discusses rape, alleged harassment from couple in first TV interview

"It doesn't matter how much money you have ... you can't intimidate people to make things go better for you," Jennifer Hough said. from NBC News Top Stories

How poxviruses multiply

Poxviruses have found a unique way of translating their genes into proteins in the infected organism. Scientists of the have been able to gain atomic-level insights into the functioning of the molecular machinery involved in the process. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

New online tool to help residents reduce the impact of traffic-related air pollution

Researchers have released a new online tool to help schools, hospitals and residents understand and reduce the impact of traffic-related air pollution. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Are too many Phase III cancer clinical trials set up to fail?

New research finds four out of five cancer therapies tested in Phase III trials do not achieve clinically-meaningful benefit in prolonging survival, and is the first study to quantify the number of false-positive, false-negative, and true-negative trial results. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Different types of cancers are likely to spread to specific areas of the brain

Brain metastasis occurs when cancer in one part of the body spreads to the brain. The lifetime incidence of such metastatic brain tumors in cancer patients is between 20%-45%, research shows. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Where's Wally? Wandering celebrity walrus spotted in Iceland

"We are absolutely over the moon that he's not only still alive and well, but he is well on his way home to the Arctic," said Seal Rescue Ireland. from NBC News Top Stories

She wants to share Māori with the world. So she recorded Lorde's new album.

In the song “Oceanic Feeling” from her new album, “Solar Power,” singer Lorde alludes to a jump into a lake at Bulli Point, a beloved swimming spot in her from NBC News Top Stories

Top U.S. diplomat in Haiti resigns over 'inhumane' treatment of migrants

The U.S. Special Envoy for Haiti, Daniel Foote, has resigned after more than 15,000 mostly Haitian migrants converged on a border bridge in Del Rio, Texas last week. from NBC News Top Stories

Smaller vials could help stop vaccine waste. But they could cause another problem, experts warn

The federal government is working with Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers to reduce the number of doses per vial, amid growing concerns about wasted vaccines. from NBC News Top Stories

James Mattis testifies he invested $85,000 in Theranos, ended up feeling 'disappointed'

Mattis said his first impression of the CEO was “sharp, articulate, committed,” but he was at first hesitant to accept Holmes’ invitation to join the board. from NBC News Top Stories

Sheriff IDs woman found in 1977 as possible victim of most prolific serial killer in U.S. history

Samuel Little confessed to 93 killings across the country, including the murder of a woman known as "Escatawpa Jane Doe." Officials identified her Tuesday as Clara Birdlong. from NBC News Top Stories

Pilot in balloon crash that killed 5 had drugs in system, FAA says

Pilot Nicholas Meleski died along with his four passengers after the balloon descended in the sky above Albuquerque, hit power lines and crashed into a busy intersection. from NBC News Top Stories

Assaults, suicides, abuse: The challenges of changing jail culture

One key to preventing abusive culture is to pay closer attention to staff members: Do they hate their jobs? Do they feel safe at work? from NBC News Top Stories

Ankle monitors, meant to be a positive alternative to incarceration, are hampering rehabilitation

“This is a form of incarceration that happens outside of prison walls,” said one expert. from NBC News Top Stories

'Grow up': U.K.'s Boris Johnson says world must face climate change

The British prime minister is due to host a major United Nations climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland in six weeks’ time. from NBC News Top Stories

Strength training can burn fat too, myth-busting study finds

A new systematic review and meta-analysis shows we can lose around 1.4 per cent of our entire body fat through strength training alone, which is similar to how much we might lose through cardio or aerobics. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Human learning can be duplicated in solid matter

Researchers have found that learning -- a universal feature of intelligence in living beings -- can be mimicked in synthetic matter, a discovery that in turn could inspire new algorithms for artificial intelligence (AI). from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Why are so many pregnant women choosing to go unvaccinated?

"Most people who are pregnant are generally young and generally healthy, so they don’t really expect that if they were to get this infection, that they could be as sick as we are seeing," one doctor said. from NBC News Top Stories

Biden, Macron to speak by phone following submarine fallout

A Macron spokesperson said the French leader expected “clarifications and clear commitments” from Biden on the call. from NBC News Top Stories

Australia's koalas are in trouble. The question is how much.

Nearly a third of the Koalas were wiped out in just the past three years, according to new figures released by a conservation group, though some experts say real numbers are difficult to establish. from NBC News Top Stories

Intermittent fasting can help manage metabolic disease

Eating your daily calories within a consistent window of 8-10 hours is a powerful strategy to prevent and manage chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, according to a new article. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Children’s dislike of cauliflower, broccoli could be written in their microbiome

Many children, as well as adults, dislike Brassica vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. In the mouth, enzymes from these vegetables and from bacteria in saliva can produce unpleasant, sulfurous odors. Now, researchers have found that levels of these volatile compounds are similar in parent-child pairs, suggesting shared oral microbiomes. They also found that high levels cause children to dislike the vegetables. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Sonic hedgehog protein pathway stimulation could help Parkinson's patients

Levodopa, or L-dopa, is considered the most effective treatment for Parkinson's disease today. After a few years of treatment, however, almost all patients develop a debilitating side-effect called L-dopa induced dyskinesia, or LID, which causes involuntary movements in the limbs, face, and torso. Deep brain stimulation can alleviate LID, but the procedure is highly invasive and not all patients are eligible. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Infants have more microplastics in their feces than adults

Microplastics -- tiny plastic pieces less than 5 mm in size -- are everywhere, from indoor dust to food to bottled water. So it's not surprising that scientists have detected these particles in the feces of people and pets. Now, in a small pilot study, researchers have discovered that infants have higher amounts of one type of microplastic in their stool than adults. Health effects, if any, are uncertain. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Predicting a riot: Social inequality leads to vandalism in experiments

Social inequality can incite collective violence in an experimental setting, finds a new study. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

A genetic brain disease reversed after birth

Researchers report that Kleefstra syndrome, a genetic disorder that leads to intellectual disability, can be reversed after birth in a mouse model of the disease. The series of experiments showed that postnatal treatment resulted in improved symptoms, both in the brain and in behavior. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Two teens shot, one fatally, while waiting for school bus in Kentucky

They were waiting on a corner in the Russell neighborhood of Louisville for their bus when someone in a vehicle drove by and fired shots, police said. from NBC News Top Stories

Small businesses who pivoted to make masks and sanitizer are still feeling the hit to their bottom line

“This was a big lesson for me as a small-business owner. If ever something like this ever happens again in my lifetime, I most likely will not participate." from NBC News Top Stories

Advocate for the homeless fights vaccine misinformation on the streets

On an overcast day in late August, a line of homeless people gathered eagerly outside Sara D. Roosevelt Park in New York City’s Lower East Side. from NBC News Top Stories

Crews search for former Navy SEAL after his half brother is found dead in Yellowstone

Authorities found Mark O'Neill, 67, on the east shore of Shoshone Lake, the National Park Service said. A cause of death was not immediately released. from NBC News Top Stories

$432M Mega Millions ticket sold at N.Y.C. pizzeria

The ticket that matched all six numbers in Tuesday night's drawing was bought from Pronto Pizza in Manhattan. from NBC News Top Stories

U.S. to donate 500 million more vaccine doses to lower-income countries

The additional doses will bring the total number of shots the U.S. plans to donate to 1.1 billion. from NBC News Top Stories

Matilda, Willy Wonka join Netflix as it buys Roald Dahl's works

The deal expands Netflix's existing licensing agreement with The Roald Dahl Story Co to create animated series based on the children's author's books. from NBC News Top Stories

Canary Islands volcano lava gushes toward sea, eruption goes on

Towers of magma burst high into the air overnight, painting the night sky red and spraying fiery debris onto the flanks of the Cumbre Vieja volcano. from NBC News Top Stories

Shots fired at Ukraine presidential aide's car in apparent assassination attempt

A senior lawmaker said the aide, Serhiy Shefir, was not hurt. Shefir is close to the president, leading a group of advisers. from NBC News Top Stories

Democrats launch $30 million effort to hold Senate in 2022

The nine-state investment is the largest this early in a cycle for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, according to officials. from NBC News Top Stories

U.K. family resolve civil claim against U.S. diplomat's wife over fatal crash

Anne Sacoolas left Britain shortly after the accident claiming diplomatic immunity from criminal prosecution. The U.S. has refused to extradite her. from NBC News Top Stories

The battle between the U.S. and ransomware hackers is escalating

The White House is taking additional steps to encourage ransomware victims to alert the federal government, just as the hackers behind those attacks are from NBC News Top Stories

Right program could turn immune cells into cancer killers

Cancer-fighting immune cells in patients with lung cancer whose tumors do not respond to immunotherapies appear to be running on a different 'program' that makes them less effective than immune cells in patients whose cancers respond to these immune treatments, suggests a new study. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Mice’s learning skills help researchers pinpointing brain areas where acquired knowledge is stored

Is it a Rembrandt or a Vermeer? For lay people, it is often challenging to distinguish paintings by these two old masters. For the trained eye of an expert, on the other hand, it is not difficult at all. Scientists have now demonstrated that mice can also become experts in sorting images into categories. The study shows that part of the category knowledge is already present in early visual areas, highlighting how widespread such semantic memories are stored throughout the brain. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Antibiotic levels measurable in breath

A team of engineers and biotechnologists has shown in mammals that the concentration of antibiotics in the body can be determined using breath samples. The breath measurements also corresponded to the antibiotic concentrations in the blood. The team's biosensor -- a multiplex chip that allows simultaneous measurement of several specimens and test substances -- will in future enable personalized dosing of medicines against infectious diseases on-site and help to minimize the development of resistant strains of bacteria. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Access to essential cancer medicines unequal across countries

Patients in most countries of the world do not have access to basic cancer medicines, according to new research. Their article asked oncologists worldwide to list the most important cancer medicines and to describe whether patients could access these medicines in their home country. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Scientists find a key to hepatitis C entry into cells

Scientists describe the structure of a key protein on the surface of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and how it interacts with its receptor found on some human cells. The findings provide new leads for developing an HCV vaccine. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Murdaugh faces new lawsuit alleging 'whisper campaign' to protect son

The lawsuit also alleges Murdaugh used his influence to allow for "law enforcement misdirection and possible obstruction of the investigation." from NBC News Top Stories

Bees kill 60 rare South African penguins in a freak accident

"It is very sad to see the deaths of so many healthy, most likely breeding adults," an expert said. from NBC News Top Stories

'Lady Marmalade' singer Sarah Dash dies at 76

"We were just on-stage together on Saturday and it was such a powerful and special moment," Patti LaBelle said in an Instagram post. from NBC News Top Stories

House Democrats add Afghan refugee aid, hurricane relief to stopgap spending bill

Democratic leaders signaled the House would vote on the measure this week. from NBC News Top Stories

Everyone agrees on the cause of New Orleans' trash problem. Solutions are harder to find.

Many New Orleans residents have gone weeks without trash pickup since Hurricane Ida pummeled the city at the end of August. from NBC News Top Stories

Search for Brian Laundrie resumes in Florida reserve a day after authorities called it off

Despite having said Monday that investigators had “exhausted all avenues'' in the county park near Sarasota, North Port police on Tuesday announced they would return to the Carlton Reserve to look for Laundrie. from NBC News Top Stories

Peyton Manning says he suspects the Patriots bugged his locker

Peyton Manning said on "Monday Night Football" that the New England Patriots bugged the locker room, so he'd talk to teammates in the shower. from NBC News Top Stories

Novel assay finds new mechanism underlying red blood cell aging

A multifaceted microfluidic in vitro assay is helping to identify the role of hypoxia on red blood cell aging via the biomechanical pathways. It holds promise for investigating hypoxic effects on the metastatic potential and relevant drug resistance of cancer cells. It also can be a useful tool to predict the mechanical performance of natural and artificial red blood cells for transfusion purposes and to further extend to red blood cells in other blood diseases and other cell types. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Russia was behind assassination of former spy in London, European court finds

Ex-KGB officer Alexander Litvinenko died an agonizing death in 2006 after drinking green tea laced with a rare radioactive substance. from NBC News Top Stories

House Democrats press forward with effort to curtail presidential powers after Trump

Many of the bill’s provisions are a response to the way Donald Trump operated as president. from NBC News Top Stories

Japanese Knotweed extract could cut cancer risk of processed meat

Scientists have developed processed red meat that includes added natural substitutes which reduces the carcinogenic compound nitrite added to preserve meats. The range of sausages and hams had a mixture of plants and fruits added to them which included rosemary, green tea, and resveratrol -- an extract taken from Japanese Knotweed. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Pioneering EEG test could dramatically increase early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s

Researchers have developed a two-minute passive-test, 'Fastball EEG', that measures people's brain waves in response to a series of images and could help expand early dementia diagnosis. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Little research available on the long-term effects of tear gas use

Researchers say more rigorous research is needed to determine the long-term level of safety of tear gas exposure. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

J&J says second shot boosts protection for moderate-severe Covid-19 to 94 percent

The company has now "generated evidence that a booster shot further increases protection against Covid-19," J&J’s chief scientific officer said Tuesday. from NBC News Top Stories

Biden steps into global spotlight at U.N. seeking to repair strained alliances

The summit comes at a time when some of the U.S.’s closest relationships have been strained following the chaotic troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. from NBC News Top Stories

More than 20,000 Haitians are gathered in Colombia for possible migration to U.S.

DHS is also tracking groups of 1,500 in Panama and 3,000 in Peru, an internal document said. from NBC News Top Stories

Scientists find a new way to reverse immune suppression in tumors

Malignant tumors can enhance their ability to survive and spread by suppressing anti-tumor immune cells in their vicinity, but a new study has uncovered a new way to counter this immunosuppressive effect. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Modern simulations could improve MRIs

Rice University engineers improve simulations that analyze gadolinium-based contrast agents used in clinical magnetic resonance imaging. More efficient simulations could help make better compounds for imaging technologies. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

U.S. to ease Covid travel entry rules, require vaccines for foreign visitors

The new system opens up air travel to vaccinated foreign nationals from dozens of countries for the first time since the early days of the pandemic. from NBC News Top Stories

Researchers call for a focus on fitness over weight loss for obesity-related health conditions

The prevalence of obesity around the world has tripled over the past 40 years, and, along with that rise, dieting and attempts to lose weight also have soared. But according to a new article, when it comes to getting healthy and reducing mortality risk, increasing physical activity and improving fitness appear to be superior to weight loss. The authors say that employing a weight-neutral approach to the treatment of obesity-related health conditions also reduces the health risks associated with yo-yo dieting. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

How university students understand and demonstrate kindness

A small act of kindness can go a long way, especially say researchers, towards bolstering student health and wellness. A new study explores how the inclusion of a kindness assignment in an undergraduate course impacted student perceptions of themselves, their peers and their campus. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Using internet in retirement boosts cognitive function

Scientists have studied the effect of internet usage on cognitive function. Examining more than 2000 retirees from 10 European countries, researchers found that, on average, retirees who used the internet were able to recall 1.22 extra words in a recall test compared to non-internet users (which equates to performing around 8 per cent better in the tests). The effects were more significant in women, with female retirees who used the internet able to recall an additional 2.37 words, than peers who did not go online. Results also showed that retirees who used the internet were more likely to be male, were younger and better educated, and had been retired for less time. They were also found to be in better health - despite drinking and smoking more. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Augmented reality helps tackle fear of spiders

Researchers have developed an augmented reality app for smartphones in order to help people reduce their fear of spiders. The app has already shown itself to be effective in a clinical trial, with subjects experiencing less fear of real spiders after completing just a few training units with the app at home. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Florida search for Gabby Petito's fiancé suspended

Investigators don't know where Brian Laundrie, named a person of interest in the disappearance of Gabby Petito, is. from NBC News Top Stories

Bus carrying church youths crashes, injuring more than 30 in Pennsylvania

Five of the people who were on the bus were in critical condition, and one firefighter was treated for minor injuries. from NBC News Top Stories

Biden admin prioritizes single adult Haitians, some families for deportation

Thousands of the 15,000 mostly Haitian migrants who were packed under a Del Rio, Texas, bridge have been removed or deported by U.S. officials. from NBC News Top Stories

A first in Ohio's GOP Senate primary: A candidate ignoring Trump

Matt Dolan, a state senator whose family owns the Cleveland Indians, is running as a pragmatic conservative — not a Trump acolyte. from NBC News Top Stories

American Samoa reports its first case of coronavirus

The U.S. territory’s acting governor and health officials said the islands’ first case of Covid-19 was of a resident who returned to America Samoa from Hawaii. from NBC News Top Stories

Gene for sex hormone synthesis could play key role in eczema

A study led by dermatologists suggests that a common inflammatory skin condition may stem from poorly regulated sex hormones. The finding could offer an unexpected new target to fight this condition. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Meds, surgery may help obesity-related high blood pressure if diet, exercise fall short

Being overweight or having obesity, weight that is higher than what is considered healthy for an individual's height, is a major risk factor for high blood pressure. A healthy diet, more physical activity and less sedentary time are recommended to reduce blood pressure for people who are overweight or have obesity; however, evidence of long-term weight loss and sustained blood pressure reductions from these lifestyle changes is limited. New weight-loss medications and bariatric surgery have shown benefits in both long-term weight loss and improved blood pressure, which can reduce the long-term, negative impact of high blood pressure on organ damage. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

2 fatally shot at North Carolina Central University

More than 5,600 people who were attending the football game were placed on lockdown. from NBC News Top Stories

Court finds 'Hotel Rwanda' hero guilty in terrorism case

Since being portrayed by actor Don Cheadle, Rusesabagina emerged as a prominent critic of President Paul Kagame, based in the United States. from NBC News Top Stories

Pfizer says its Covid vaccine is safe and effective for children ages 5 to 11

Pfizer and its German partner, BioNTech, said they would submit their data to the FDA for emergency use authorization. from NBC News Top Stories

Mental health takes a toll on the incarcerated — and their families

Throughout her adult life, Miquelle West has hesitated to date. Dating might lead to love, which might lead to marriage. from NBC News Top Stories

As the House returns, Democrats face hard choices

One senator compared the challenge to "a Rubik's cube on steroids." from NBC News Top Stories

Supreme Court urged by nearly 900 state legislators to uphold Roe v. Wade

Arguments in the case involving Mississippi's 15-week abortion are scheduled to begin this fall. from NBC News Top Stories

Trump won these counties big. His supporters question the results there, too.

A push to revisit November's results is underway or being called for in at least nine counties Trump won by more than 24 points. from NBC News Top Stories

Gunman kills 8, injures 11 at Russian university

The gunman, who was wounded during his arrest, has not been publicly identified although he is known to authorities, officials said. from NBC News Top Stories

A Latino family paved the way for school desegregation. It's still 'unknown' history.

Sylvia Mendez and her Latino parents paved the way for desegregation in Mendez v Westminster but this Hispanic civil rights contribution is not largely known. from NBC News Top Stories

Emmys 2021: 5 key takeaways from TV's big night

We broke down the five major storylines from the 73rd Emmy Awards. from NBC News Top Stories

Democrats blocked from including immigration legalization in spending bill

In a long-shot bid, Senate Democrats tried to include immigration in a massive spending bill to circumvent a Republican filibuster. from NBC News Top Stories

US closes part of Texas border, begins flying Haitians home

The attempted border closure happened as officials also began flying some of the migrants back to their homeland. from NBC News Top Stories

Live blog: Emmy Awards winners, major moments and more

We're blogging the big wins, buzzy speeches and memorable moments from the awards show. from NBC News Top Stories

A Black trans woman could win an Emmy. Her nomination comes after years in her role.

When the 73rd annual Emmy Awards air Sunday, it could be a night of firsts for LGBTQ performers and producers. from NBC News Top Stories

Biden faces booster plan blowback at home and abroad

The president has once again found himself taking heat for an artificial deadline, with experts questioning the decision to put a public timeline on widely available booster shots. from NBC News Top Stories

Chris Rock reveals he has Covid, urges people to 'Get Vaccinated'

"Trust me, you don't want this. Get vaccinated," the actor and comedian tweeted. from NBC News Top Stories

2 injured after military plane crashes in Texas backyard

One of the people in the plane is in critical condition after appearing to eject from the plane and getting caught in power lines. from NBC News Top Stories

New Jersey officer catches 1-month-old baby thrown from 2nd floor balcony

The newborn wasn't physically harmed in the incident. from NBC News Top Stories

Three shot as family fight over gifts at Pa. baby shower erupts into gunfire

The suspect was taken into custody after shooting a 23 year-old man, a 19 year-old woman, and a 16 year-old boy. from NBC News Top Stories

Fla. police resume search for missing Brian Laundrie following girlfriend's disappearance

Brian Laundrie, 23, went missing Friday night after police named him a “person of interest” two days prior in the disappearance of Gabby Petito, his fiancé. from NBC News Top Stories

Tammy Faye Bakker’s daughter breaks silence in rare interview on her mother’s embattled legacy

In her first interview in 17 years, Tammy Sue Bakker opens up about her storied mom, sharing memories of the woman behind the fake eyelashes and makeup. from NBC News Top Stories

Democrats' big bill faces a cliff-filled future

The emerging Build Back Better Act is likely to put expiration dates on key progressive priorities — to fall in a future when Democrats may not have the power to renew them. from NBC News Top Stories

Boxer Manny Pacquiao to run for Philippine president

"I am a fighter, and I will always be a fighter inside and outside the ring," Pacquiao, 42, said in a live-streamed speech Sunday. from NBC News Top Stories

Suburbs take center stage as U.S. growth slows

Census data reveals that the 10 fastest-growing large cities in the U.S. are all suburbs. from NBC News Top Stories

Supreme Court justices upset at perceptions of partisanship need to look in the mirror

Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Stephen Breyer decry perceptions of bias on the court even as they contribute to it. from NBC News Top Stories

How Larry Nassar got away with it

Until we are able to confront the denial, fear and discrimination that work together to allow abuse to flourish in America, there will always be more Nassars. from NBC News Top Stories

'We've been preparing for a post-Roe world': Ripples from Texas abortion law spread to Illinois

Over the last week, the southern Illinois Planned Parenthood clinic has seen patients from Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Tennessee and Texas. from NBC News Top Stories

Puerto Rico’s progress still stalled four years after Maria

Puerto Rico, four years after Hurricane Maria, is stalled on reconstruction in major areas as it grapples with bankruptcy and debt amid Covid. from NBC News Top Stories

'A true believer': Why Mandela Barnes thinks his progressive ideas can win in purple Wisconsin

But by branding himself a progressive, some observers say, Barnes could be getting in his own way. from NBC News Top Stories

Trailblazing tourist trip to orbit ends with splashdown

The SpaceX capsule parachuted into the ocean just before sunset, not far from where their chartered flight began three days earlier. from NBC News Top Stories

Where do Latinos live? Here are the stories behind a shifting Hispanic population

The swift growth of U.S. Latinos is reshaping big states and small towns. Meet the faces of a new era. from NBC News Top Stories

France's Notre Dame cathedral secured and ready to be rebuilt

The government agency overseeing the rebuild is maintaining President Emmanuel Macron’s goal of allowing visitors back inside in 2024. from NBC News Top Stories

Camp helps children cope with trauma, one natural disaster at a time

"They show up at the beginning of the day quiet and reserved, and at the end of the day it’s actually hard to peel them away," the executive director said. from NBC News Top Stories

Maricopa County, Arizona Senate reach deal to end fight over election equipment

A special master will take questions from the election review contractors and provide information they say is needed from county routers. from NBC News Top Stories

Infants exposed to domestic violence have poorer cognitive development

Infants coming from homes with domestic violence often go on to have worse academic outcomes in school due to neurodevelopmental lags and a higher risk for a variety of health issues, including gastrointestinal distress, trouble eating and sleeping, as well as stress and illness. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Discovery highlights the complex lifestyles of frontline immune cells

Researchers have made a surprise discovery about how immune 'sentinel' cells are maintained, which could have implications for drugs in development for treating cancer. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Brain microstructural damage related to cognitive dysfunction and steroid medication in lupus patients

Researchers attempted to unravel such mechanisms by adopting non-invasive diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to study the brains of SLE patients, particularly the white matter, coupled with computerized neuropsychological assessment. White matter lies beneath the grey matter cortex in the human brain and comprises millions of bundles of nerve fibers that transmit signals to different brain regions. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Yes, the U.S. really did just stab France in the back

Biden's snub raises the question of whether the U.S. and Europe have a future together — at least one in which America can be relied upon as a constant partner. from NBC News Top Stories

U.S. ramps up plan to expel Haitian migrants gathered in Texas

By Monday morning, U.S. Customs and Border Protection plans to have at least 400 agents and officers in the Del Rio area and it is prepared to send more. from NBC News Top Stories

'What pain does this apology cure?': Afghan family wants U.S. help after drone strike admission

"I lost ten members of our family and the U.S. should pay," said Emal Ahmadi, whose daughter Malika was among seven children killed in the August 29 blast. from NBC News Top Stories

He doesn't mind if terror suspects at Guantanamo are executed. So why does he buy them paintbrushes?

Glenn Morgan, whose dad died on 9/11, says he won't be sad if suspects at Guantanamo are executed. But he wants to rise above a desire for retribution. from NBC News Top Stories

A week of grim Covid records in the U.S.

These are the worst days of the pandemic for some parts of the United States. from NBC News Top Stories

Two of California Gov. Newsom's children test positive for Covid

He and his wife have tested negative, as have other two children, the governor's office said. from NBC News Top Stories

Ancient DNA rewrites early Japanese history -- modern day populations have tripartite genetic origin

Researchers have extracted Ancient DNA from human bones to re-write early Japanese history by underlining that modern day populations in Japan have a tripartite genetic origin -- a finding that refines previously accepted views of a dual genomic ancestry. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Behind Murdaugh's 'fall from grace': Drug addiction fueled by opioid epidemic

Attorneys for Murdaugh have said the "vast majority" of misappropriated funds were used to buy opioids, part of a multipronged case that has spawned more criminal investigations. from NBC News Top Stories

Big Tech grapples with Russian internet crackdown during election

The Russian government is increasingly pressuring American technology companies to take down content from their platforms with threats of fines, throttling and from NBC News Top Stories

Afghan TV host smiles at the camera even through fear

Afghan journalists have to strike what may be an impossible balance: Appearing in public and on air to report without provoking the ire of the Taliban. from NBC News Top Stories

'Grease' actor Eddie Deezen arrested after Maryland restaurant fracas

The actor reportedly threw "plates, bowls and food" at sheriff's deputies responding to a disturbance at the LaVale, Maryland, restuarant. from NBC News Top Stories

The deafening silence surrounding the far-right's 'Justice for J6' protest

We will not simply be watching the words and actions of the rally’s participants and enablers. The silence and tacit complicity of our elected leaders matters just as much. from NBC News Top Stories

Capitol Police chief: 'We are not going to tolerate violence'

Top cops say the U.S. Capitol and the D.C. Metropolitan Police departments are prepared to prevent a repeat of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot Saturday. from NBC News Top Stories

'Stiffen our spines': Democrats see political support for Covid mandates in California

California's recall election felt like a referendum on coronavirus mandates and Democrats won resoundingly. from NBC News Top Stories

Likely cause of Alzheimer’s disease identified

Ground-breaking new research has discovered a likely cause of Alzheimer's disease, in a significant finding that offers potential new prevention and treatment opportunities. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Treating infertility with drug-delivering microspheres

For an embryo to survive, it must attach to the lining of the uterus within days of conception. However, if this lining, called the endometrium, is too thin, the embryo can't latch on. Now, researchers have developed a new system intended to treat infertility in women with thin endometria. Their tiny, micro-scale particles stimulated blood vessel growth, producing promising results in preliminary experiments in cells and mice. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Google and Apple remove Russian opposition app before election

Google and Apple have removed an app developed by Russian activists supporting jailed Kremlin critic and opposition leader Alexei Navalny. from NBC News Top Stories

Milley says calls he made to China were 'perfectly' within scope of his job

Gen. Mark Milley's first public comments come amid a firestorm over the calls, in which he assured a Chinese counterpart that the U.S. wasn't going to attack China in the waning days of Trump's term. from NBC News Top Stories

Latino senators want more investment in Hispanic-serving colleges, universities

Sens. Alex Padilla and Bob Menendez have created a Hispanic Serving Institution caucus to boost investment in Latino colleges and universities. from NBC News Top Stories

New microscopy technique reveals activity of one million neurons across the mouse brain

Using light beads microscopy, researchers can now capture images of a vast number of cells across different depths in the brain at high speed, with unprecedented clarity. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

More intensive and personalized strategies may be needed for weight loss

Modest weight loss can lead to meaningful risk reduction in adults with obesity. Although both behavioral economic incentives and environmental change strategies have shown promise for initial weight loss, to date their efficacy alone or in combination have not been compared. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Marching band kids at risk from heat illness

This time of year, you hear a lot about heat-related illnesses in athletes. Thousands of student-athletes are sidelined by heat illnesses each year, and some don't recover. But while guidelines exist to help coaches and trainers keep their students safe, there's another group on the field that's still at risk: students in marching bands. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Cutting-edge 3D facial scans could give genetic clues to autism

Researchers are using high-tech 3D facial scans to give us a better understanding of the genetic causes of autism. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Researchers improve optical tissue clearing method to diagnose cancer

The ability to visualize cancerous tumors and metastatic tissue three dimensionally (3D) can help clinicians diagnose the precise type and stage of cancer, while also informing the best treatment methods. To obtain an even clearer tissue for imaging, a research team based in Japan has tested the effectiveness of specialized hydrogels. Acting as a 3D molecular network, these hydrogels can rapidly remove fats from tissues, which are a factor in tissue opacification, without losing their structure. The material is used in several biomedical devices, including contact lenses. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

How to modify RNA: Crucial steps for adding chemical tag to transfer RNA revealed

The chemical steps involved in an important cellular modification process that adds a chemical tag to some RNAs has been revealed in a new study. Interfering with this process in humans can lead to neuronal diseases, diabetes, and cancers. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

When organoids meet coronaviruses

Researchers established an organoid biobank to search for the genes that are essential for the spreading of a SARS-CoV2 infection. Their study highlights the usefulness of organoids for basic research into coronaviruses, as well as highlighting potential drug targets. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Study findings could provide blueprint for regulating lab-developed diagnostic tests

Diagnostic tests developed in-house in hospital laboratories are not currently regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), unlike those sold by manufacturers. A new study suggests that temporary deviations from FDA policy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic offer a look at what regulation of these tests by the agency might look like. Findings from this study could inform legislation aimed at regulating lab-developed tests. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

More than 10,000 migrants packed under Texas bridge, number still rising

Most of the migrants are Haitian, have been living in South America and came to Del Rio, Texas, along a common Mexican cartel smuggling route. from NBC News Top Stories

NYC restaurant hostess attacked after asking diners for proof of vaccination

Cellphone footage obtained by NBC New York shows a brawl outside Carmine's on the Upper West Side. from NBC News Top Stories

British computing inventor Clive Sinclair dies at 81

Clive Sinclair, the British inventor and entrepreneur who arguably did more than anyone else to inspire a whole generation of children into a life-long passion for computing. from NBC News Top Stories

Lawsuit seeks $1M after Michigan teacher cuts biracial girl's hair

A teacher at Ganiard Elementary in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, cut 7-year-old Jurnee Hoffmeyer's hair without her parents' permission. from NBC News Top Stories

World's largest tree wrapped in fire-resistant blanket due to threat of California wildfires

The General Sherman Tree in Sequoia National Park’s Giant Forest was wrapped for protection against the possibility of intense flames, officials said. from NBC News Top Stories

Jane Powell, Hollywood golden-age musicals star, dies at 92

Powell died Thursday at her Wilton, Connecticut, home, longtime friend Susan Grander said. Granger said Powell died of natural causes. from NBC News Top Stories

Prescription drug costs pose a stumbling block for Democrats on spending bill

The House is struggling to find a balance that will make moderates and progressives happy. from NBC News Top Stories

Federal judge halts use of health order to expel migrant families along the border

Immediate removals are “likely unlawful” as well as unnecessary because of testing, vaccines and other ways to minimize Covid-19 effects, ruling says. from NBC News Top Stories

Indonesia court find president negligent over dangerous air quality in capital

The lawsuit was a last-ditch attempt to compel authorities to take action in Jakarta and its surrounds, an area home to more than 30 million people. from NBC News Top Stories

World Bank officials pressured staff to boost China rankings, inquiry finds

The lender said it would discontinue its annual report on business climates after an investigation raised "ethical matters" over how it was prepared. from NBC News Top Stories

COVID-19 virus rapidly evolves to higher infectivity during in vitro growth, which may be a step toward lower virulence

Attenuated viral vaccines for rubella, measles, yellow fever and other diseases are widely used. Can a similar vaccine be developed for COVID-19? Researchers have now published a foundational study for that possibility. They asked a simple question: Which mutations predominate when the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 is grown in successive generations -- called passages by virologists -- in tissue culture? from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Using artificial intelligence to predict COVID patients' oxygen needs

Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge along with 20 other hospitals from across the world and healthcare technology leader, NVIDIA, have used artificial intelligence (AI) to predict COVID patients' oxygen needs on a global scale. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Scientists develop 'optimal strategies' computer model that could significantly reduce future COVID-19 infections and deaths

Scientists have developed a predictive computer model that, when tested on real pandemic data, proposed strategies that would have reduced the rate of both COVID-19 infections and deaths by an average of 72 per cent, based on a sample from four countries. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Proteins that outwit emerging and re-emerging viruses

A family of proteins best known for their role in diminishing HIV infectivity may have the goods to outwit other emerging and re-emerging viruses, scientists have found. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

DNA researchers develop critical shortcut to detect and identify known and emerging pathogens

Researchers have developed a sophisticated new tool that could help provide early warning of rare and unknown viruses in the environment and identify potentially deadly bacterial pathogens which cause sepsis, among other uses. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

New bodycam video shows emotional Gabby Petito after reported fight with fiancé in Utah

Petito, visibly distraught, could be seen wiping away tears as she told authorities she was struggling with her mental health, video showed. from NBC News Top Stories

Alabama mom accused of boarding school bus, fighting 11-year-old student

The mother, Nannatt Waldrop, was arrested on multiple charges after she confronted a student she "suspected of bullying her child," Jefferson County authorities said. from NBC News Top Stories

Idaho hospital forced to turn away hundreds of transfer patients amid Covid surge

Idaho announced a statewide hospital resource crisis amid the latest Covid surge, permitting medical facilities to ration health care and triage patients. from NBC News Top Stories

Bail set at $55,000 for man accused of attempting to stage Alex Murdaugh's suicide

Murdaugh, a prominent South Carolina lawyer, is expected to surrender today in connection with the alleged plot. from NBC News Top Stories

Ozone hole over Antarctica larger than usual, scientists say

Scientists say the Southern Hemisphere ozone hole is larger than usual and already surpasses the size of Antarctica. from NBC News Top Stories

Former NFL player Brandon Short's pregnant daughter fatally shot

“We just found out it was a little boy, so we lost two,” Short said of his daughter Karli and his unborn grandson. from NBC News Top Stories

Biden to outline 'a fair shot' for the middle class in tax plan speech

The president plans to give the IRS tools to crack down on wealthy Americans who have evaded tax payments. from NBC News Top Stories

Aly Raisman recounts FBI agent 'diminishing' her abuse when reporting Nassar

The retired Olympic gymnast is calling for an independent investigation into the mishandling of abuse claims against Larry Nassar. from NBC News Top Stories

What to watch for at this year's Emmy Awards

These four storylines could define the show, including a potentially historic win for “Pose” star Mj Rodriguez and a coveted prize for Netflix. from NBC News Top Stories

Judge dismisses ex-girlfriend's lawsuit against Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson still faces sexual assault lawsuits from other women, including "Game of Thrones" actor Esmé Bianco and his former personal assistant. from NBC News Top Stories

Pilot study of diet/exercise in young adults with intellectual disabilities is promising

A pilot study found that young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disabilities (ID) were able to lose or maintain their weight with a system of education and support in place. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Baby girl born to widow of Marine killed in Kabul bombing

The widow of Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, 20, of Bondurant, Wyoming, gave birth to Levi Rylee Rose McCollum Monday. from NBC News Top Stories

Search at Grand Canyon turns up remains of another person

The remains of the other person, believed to be Scott Walsh, were spotted during a search for Gabor Berczi-Tomscanyi. Walsh was last seen stepping off a shuttle bus at the park’s South Rim in 2015. from NBC News Top Stories

France calls killing of ISIS leader behind deaths of 4 U.S. soldiers big victory

French President Emmanuel Macron announced the death of Adnan Abu Walid al-Sahrawi overnight. from NBC News Top Stories

Mike Pence is the wort kind of coward. A new book about Trump proves it.

A new story being circulated offers a revealing look at Pence’s character. from NBC News Top Stories

Hospitals in West struggle to find beds for critically ill amid Covid surge

Idaho has allowed its hospitals to establish crisis standards of care, which means doctors can triage patients dependent on bed space availability. from NBC News Top Stories

Not just Texas: Europe grapples with abortion laws and limits

France moved last week to offer free contraception to girls and women under 25, in a sign of the continent’s generally liberal approach. But divides and de facto limits remain. from NBC News Top Stories

'I'm losing sleep over it': Democrats see do-or-die moment to overhaul immigration

Democrats are nervously awaiting a ruling by the Senate's referee on whether they can include protections for Dreamers in the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill. from NBC News Top Stories

Fiancé identified as a person of interest in disappearance of New York woman, police say

The family of Gabrielle "Gabby" Petito reported her missing over the weekend when she fell out of contact during a road trip to Wyoming. from NBC News Top Stories

Minnesota high court tosses murder conviction against former police Officer Mohamed Noor

Noor's second-degree manslaughter conviction still stands in the July 15, 2017, slaying of of Justine Ruszczyk Damond. from NBC News Top Stories

Many mothers may have delayed or abandoned plans for additional children because of COVID-19 pandemic

Nearly half of New York City mothers who had been trying to become pregnant again before the coronavirus pandemic began stopped in the first few months of the outbreak, a new study shows. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

'We have been failed': Simone Biles breaks down in tears recounting Nassar's sexual abuse

Biles and three other U.S. gymnasts are testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee at an oversight hearing about how the FBI mishandled the Nassar case. from NBC News Top Stories

Blood-soaked shoreline leaves locals shaken after annual dolphin hunt in Faeroe Islands

"It's absolutely appalling to see an attack on nature of this scale," Sea Shepherd Global CEO Alex Cornelissen said. from NBC News Top Stories

Fate of Robert Durst in jury's hands after long murder trial

Durst, who a prosecutor described as a “narcissistic psychopath" who needs to be held accountable, has pleaded not guilty in the shooting of Susan Berman. from NBC News Top Stories

Nicki Minaj said Covid vaccine could make you impotent. Fauci shut her down.

"There’s no evidence that it happens, nor is there any mechanistic reason to imagine that it would happen," Dr. Anthony Fauci said. from NBC News Top Stories

Biden to meet with Sens. Manchin, Sinema on Wednesday to discuss spending bill

The two moderate Democratic senators have expressed some opposition to the $3.5 trillion their party is hoping to spend. from NBC News Top Stories

Protein from the liver may cause Alzheimer's disease in the brain, study finds

Amyloid protein made in the liver can cause neurodegeneration in the brain, according to a new study. Since the protein is thought to be a key contributor to development of Alzheimer's disease (AD), the results suggest that the liver may play an important role in the onset or progression of the disease. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Creative exploration followed by exploitation can lead to a career’s greatest hits

By using artificial intelligence to mine big data related to artists, film directors and scientists, researchers have found that years of exploration (studying diverse styles or topics) immediately followed by years of exploitation (focusing on a narrow area to develop deep expertise) can lead to a career's greatest hits. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Researchers identify a novel player in acute myeloid leukemia

A new study has shown that the protein RNF5 plays an unusual role in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Unlike its expected role, marking aberrant proteins for destruction, RNF5 binds with a second cell protein called RBBP4 to control expression of genes implicated in AML. These findings have important implications for improving AML patient outcomes. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

California Democrats are angry about recalls. But they shouldn't be.

Unlike many other features of our governmental system, voters clearly like recalls: They generally adopt them when they get the chance. from NBC News Top Stories

Loggers, landscapers face deadly danger felling trees in forests and urban areas

Tree felling -- whether by professional loggers in a forest setting or by landscapers in urban and rural landscapes -- is the most dangerous job in what are two of the most dangerous industries, according to researchers who conducted a new study of associated deaths. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Probiotic-containing yogurt protects against microbiome changes that lead to antibiotic-induced diarrhea

Eating yogurt containing a particular strain of a well-studied probiotic appears to protect against harmful changes in the gut microbiome that are associated with antibiotic administration. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Men may sleep worse on nights during the first half of the lunar cycle

Men's sleep may be more powerfully influenced by the lunar cycle than women's, according to a new study. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Uncertainty on climate change in textbooks linked to uncertainty in students

A new study suggests textbook wording that portrays climate change information as uncertain can influence how middle and high school students feel about the information, even for students who say they already know about climate change and its human causes. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

504-pound alligator suspected of killing Louisiana man during Ida is captured

Timothy Satterlee Sr., a man who survived the devastating wrath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, was attacked by an alligator in Ida floodwaters on Aug. 30. from NBC News Top Stories

FBI fires agent accused of failing to investigate Nassar sex-abuse allegations

The firing comes after an internal watchdog found that agent Michael Langeman and his boss did not properly investigate the sexual abuse allegations. from NBC News Top Stories

Milley acted to prevent Trump from misusing nuclear weapons, war with China, book says

The book also revealed a previously unreported call between then-Vice President Mike Pence and former Vice President Dan Quayle. from NBC News Top Stories

Companies backed by private-equity firms got $5 billion in Covid relief

Some $1.2 billion of PPP and other relief money targeted at small businesses went to companies backed by large and well-funded private-equity firms. from NBC News Top Stories

SpaceX set to launch first all-civilian crew into orbit

SpaceX will launch four private citizens into orbit around Earth in what will be the first mission to space with an all-civilian crew. from NBC News Top Stories

The new Latino landscape: These are the stories behind a decade of change

The swift growth of U.S. Latinos is reshaping big states and small towns. Meet the faces of a new era. from NBC News Top Stories

9 Hong Kong activists jailed for months over unauthorized Tiananmen vigil

Police in the Chinese territory had banned last year's memorial for the 1989 crackdown on mainland protesters, citing the coronavirus pandemic. from NBC News Top Stories

Haiti's chief prosecutor seeks charges against prime minister in president's assassination

President Jovenel Moïse was gunned down in a coordinated attack inside his home on July 7. from NBC News Top Stories

U.S. poverty declined overall last year due to pandemic relief, Census says

The U.S. Census Bureau released its 2020 income and poverty report on Tuesday, revealing the economic toll that Covid has taken on Americans. from NBC News Top Stories

Tropical Storm Nicholas leaves 500,000 without power in Texas

Nicholas was moving across flood-prone Houston Tuesday with 45 mph winds and the potential to cause life-threatening flash floods. from NBC News Top Stories

Biden revokes Trump rule on student loan oversight, paves way for investigations

A group of Democratic lawmakers led by Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown is pushing for increased oversight of the industry as a result of the revised interpretation of federal policy. from NBC News Top Stories

Ex-officers accused of violating George Floyd's rights to be arraigned

A federal grand jury indicted Derek Chauvin, Thomas Lane, J. Kueng and Tou Thao in May. from NBC News Top Stories

Dr. Anthony Fauci says he 'would support' a vaccine mandate for air travel

Some airlines are requiring vaccines for workers but have not mandated it for passengers. from NBC News Top Stories

Signs of dementia are written in the blood, reveals new study

Scientists have identified metabolic compounds within the blood that are associated with dementia. The study revealed that the levels of 33 metabolites differed in patients with dementia, compared to elderly people with no existing health conditions. Their findings could one day aid diagnosis and treatment of dementia. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

New photos of ‘dog-bone’ asteroid reveal that it’s truly weird

The most detailed telescope photographs yet of the asteroid Kleopatra clearly show its weird “dog-bone” shape. from NBC News Top Stories

Florida Gov. DeSantis threatens heavy fines for local governments that impose vaccine mandates

The Republican governor warned that the mandates will result in “millions and millions of dollars potentially in fines.” from NBC News Top Stories

Senate Democrats unveil compromise bill on voting rights

The bill, a compromise with moderate Sen. Joe Manchin, focuses on expanding voter access, boosting election integrity and encouraging civil participation. from NBC News Top Stories

Former Detroit police chief enters crowded Michigan gubernatorial race

James Craig will seek the Republican nomination to face Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer from NBC News Top Stories

Abortion providers urge Supreme Court to reject Mississippi's 15-week ban

If the court upholds the Mississippi law, it would lead quickly to the elimination of abortion services in large sections of the Midwest and South. from NBC News Top Stories

Las Vegas Raiders’ Carl Nassib makes LGBTQ history — and a game-saving play

Carl Nassib started his Monday night by making history as the first openly gay athlete to play in a regular-season NFL contest. from NBC News Top Stories

College student puts nearly 3,000 U.S. flags from 9/11 display into trash bags in protest

Fadel Alkilani, a vice president of finance for the Student Union, acknowledged that he removed the flags on Saturday and put them in plastic bags as part of a protest. from NBC News Top Stories

Researchers find evidence of possible link between herpes simplex and neurogenerative diseases

In a 'first of its kind' study, researchers found a potential direct connection between neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), glaucoma, and the herpesvirus. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Florida mother reunited with daughter who was abducted in 2007, police say

Jacqueline Hernandez, now 19, was allegedly abducted by her father, Pablo Hernandez, in Clermont, Florida. from NBC News Top Stories

Putin to self-isolate due to Covid cases among inner circle

Putin has been fully vaccinated with the Russian coronavirus vaccine Sputnik V, receiving his second shot in April. from NBC News Top Stories

Chinese developer Evergrande denies bankruptcy rumors as protests mount

The company's debt crisis, which has already brought angry investors to its doorstep in protest, could ripple through China's banking system. from NBC News Top Stories

California recall Election Day: Will voters kick Gov. Gavin Newsom out of office?

Even if the Democrat successfully defeats the recall, which is costing taxpayers an estimated $215 million, he'll face voters again next year for re-election. from NBC News Top Stories

Putin meets Assad, takes swipe at U.S. and Turkish forces in Syria

Russia's air force played a critical role in turning the tide of the Syrian conflict in Assad's favor after it deployed there in 2015, helping him recover most territory lost to insurgents. from NBC News Top Stories

Norway's left-wing opposition wins climate-focused election in landslide, coalition talks next

Norway's status as a major oil and gas producer has been at the heart of the campaign. from NBC News Top Stories

The scariest part of Trump and the GOP's efforts to steal the California recall

Republicans have been laying the groundwork to claim that the election was stolen for weeks. from NBC News Top Stories

Twitch files complaint against streamers for 'hate raids'

The identities of the two streamers are currently unknown, but a Twitch spokesperson said the company hopes the lawsuit can shed light on who they are. from NBC News Top Stories

Actor Tanya Fear, reported missing in Los Angeles, found safe and the case closed

She's best known for her role as Jade McIntyre on the British science fiction series "Doctor Who." from NBC News Top Stories

Scientists claim that overeating is not the primary cause of obesity

A perspective article challenges the 'energy balance model,' which says weight gain occurs because individuals consume more energy than they expend. According to the authors, 'conceptualizing obesity as a disorder of energy balance restates a principle of physics without considering the biological mechanisms underlying weight gain.' The authors argue for the 'carbohydrate insulin model,' which explains obesity as a metabolic disorder driven by what we eat, rather than how much. *Public health messaging exhorting people to eat less and exercise more has failed to stem rising rates of obesity and obesity-related diseases. *The energy balance model, which says weight gain is caused by consuming more energy than we expend, "restates a principle of physics without considering the biological mechanisms driving weight gain." *The carbohydrate-insulin model makes a bold claim: overeating doesn't cause obesity; the process of getting fat causes overeating.

New method enables 3D microscopy of human organs

Researchers have now demonstrated a method by which specific cell types in human organs can be studied with micrometer precision. The method can be used to reveal previously unrecognized alterations in the pancreas, but it can also be used to study other human organs and diseases. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Engineers grow pancreatic 'organoids' that mimic the real thing

Engineers developed a way to grow tiny replicas of the pancreas, using either healthy or cancerous pancreatic cells. Their models could help researchers develop and test potential drugs for pancreatic cancer. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Simone Biles to testify before Senate about Larry Nassar

The Sept. 15 hearing concerns the FBI's handling of the investigation into Nassar, who was accused of sexually assaulting hundreds of women and girls. from NBC News Top Stories

Socio-economic status of children can influence microorganisms in their digestive tract

Findings suggest that a family's socio-economic status (SES) may influence children's composition of gut microbiome -- the mix of microscopic organisms within the digestive tract. SES includes economic resources such as education, income and occupation, and are reflected in living conditions, nutrition and psychosocial stress, according to the study, which focused on the education levels of mothers and fathers. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Major branches in the tree of language reconstructed

A team of researchers is using a novel technique to comb through the data and to reconstruct major branches in the linguistic tree. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Screen time only mildly linked to behavioral problems, but may have social benefits

School-aged children who spend more time in front of screens are only slightly more likely to have attention disorders, disturbed sleep or lower grades and are no more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. Meanwhile, they tend to have more close friends. from Top Health News -- ScienceDaily

Julius Jones' death sentence in 1999 Oklahoma murder should be commuted, panel finds

The Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board's recommendation goes to Gov. Kevin Stitt, who will make the final decision. from NBC News Top Stories

Jeff Bridges says he got Covid while in chemo and it made 'cancer look like a piece of cake'

"Covid kicked my ass pretty good, but I'm double vaccinated and feeling much better," Bridges wrote on his website Monday. from NBC News Top Stories